Saturday, August 31, 2024

Part Two


So, we are reminded not to lose hope in the midst of this prolonged war we call life. Don't lose hope  - when it appears your enemy has won. Don't lose hope  - when your salvation  -  in whom you put all your trust and faith  - lies dying on a cross  - don't lose hope. Hope is faith for our future, faith is hope fulfilled now. 

We will overcome through the Blood of the Lamb (hope that it will be enough for us, for we have faith in the One who shed it, for we have only His word to rely on) and we overcome by the word of our testimony  - our testimony is Jesus himself  - walking with us, working with us, daily, to see us through.  Our testimony is our witness to his faithfulness  - not our own. Our testimony is one of answered prayer. We do not serve an impotent God who is blind and deaf to our wants and needs. When we cry out to Him  - when we make our petitions and requests known to Him  - He hears us! He attends to our prayers, He responds to us because He truly cares about us.

Keep moving forward, looking forward, don't look back. Put your hand to the plow and look to the New Jerusalem.  Don't long for your old life, your old ways  - keep focused on the path He's put you on  - step by step, forward, always forward. 

Jump spirit, spirited attack run, and courage, are all tied together.  Might as well face it  - you're going to go through battle after battle  - quit playing defence! Go on the offense! You have the weapons! Take down those strongholds opposing you and the Christ within you! Tear down that spiritual wickedness in high places. You can't be timid and follow Christ! You need a "Jump spirit" when you're told to take a leap of faith  - by the Holy Spirit  - DO IT! Jump! Don't hesitate mi amigo! The more you step out in faith - the more your personal faith level will increase. Soon  - you'll do a "spirited attack run"  - you'll fly over the enemy and strafe him till he's finished  - not daring to attack you again  because you took the "high ground", when you fought him. If you cleanse the high ground of your heart of all idols, including "self" - then every battle with the enemy of your soul will be successful  - for you'll always have the high ground.  Any military strategist can tell you  - the one who holds the high ground will win. Take courage! Your God fights for you and with you! Follow your General's leadership and you can't lose! You may get wounded, but guess who heals all wounds? Spirit, soul and body? That's right  - you guessed right.

But do not be weary in well doing. You must like what you do. Whatever ministry - whoever He's called you to minister to - you must like what you do. Not always, not everyone  but remain passionate about God and his plans for you, because in the end, passion will see you through the really tough times when nothing else will. When all is said and done  - trust that the results are of God. Trust in the process He puts you through. Trust that your footsteps are ordered of Him. Trust Him! Be Amazing! Be the original He created you to be! Don't copy anyone else  - be you, uniquely you! And when the new tide of His Spirit rolls in  -  you'll roll in with it , when it rolls out, you'll roll out with it  - you'll come and go as the Holy Spirit moves you. Those who only know God with their minds, the intellectual ones, will not be able to understand  you  - your ways or even your words. No matter! You roll on the new tide  - the new thing He's doing  - no matter what others say or think. 

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...