Thursday, September 5, 2024

 This, from Jeremiah Johnson,  is excellent: (parentheses mine)

Establishing a healthy plurality of eldership in a community of believers requires the elders to show mutual regard and concern for one another  - they must submit themselves one to another,  patiently wait upon one another,  and defer to and prefer one another (above themselves).

A Plurality of eldership thus enhances brotherly love,  humility and mutuality. Learning how to lead and care for a flock together will expose impatience with one another,  stubbornness,  narcissism, domineering positions,  prayerlessness, pride end jealousy  - (in short  - uncrucified flesh and self will).

Plurality of eldership protects the headship and supremacy of Jesus our Christ in all things. When leadership and vision is shared among a team rather than dictated by one man it only leaves room for eyes to be set on  one man  -  The Son of God. (One man ministries foster weak sheep who become dependant on flesh, or that one man, and my people love to have it so).

Plurality of eldership provides a healthy set of checks and balances that one man ministries will never have. Character and financial decisions are constantly evaluated and determined in the counsel of many rather than one. (There is safety in a multitude of counselors).

A Plurality of eldership is the gateway to the five-fold ministry becoming fully operational among a community of believers.  Rather than receiving from one man's ministry week in and week out,  the plurality of elders permits a team of five-fold ministers to train and equip together  ( with the goal that the Body will minister to itself in love, edifying itself with healthy cells ministering to unhealthy ones till they're healthy too).

Establishing and participating in Biblical eldership is one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences you'll ever know. Our primary revelation we have come to understand is this:

                          THE NEW WINE IS TRULY FOUND IN THE CLUSTER! Isaiah 65:8

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...