Monday, October 21, 2024

 For such a time as this I have called you out to be a voice for Me. Speak for Me. Go for Me. I go before you. It's already done in the Spirit! Walk in My love and declare it! 
I will show you great and mighty things that you have not known before. It's time to step out. The harvest is ripe! The time is now! I'm calling you out to pray. Stand on the wall and contend for My presence.  Watch what I do in response.  As you go, expect great and mighty wonders! 
Souls saved, miracles, healing, restoration,  deliverance  - it's coming! Rise up! Step out! Speak My words! I will give you the land. Everywhere you step will be yours. Take the land!

"Declare His glory among the heathen and His wonders among all the people "

The above prophecy really bears witness with me today. And the thought occurs to me: we cannot "take the land" if all we ever do is sit in the four walls of our churches, fellowshipping with each other. People,  it's high time we hit the streets, going to them, with his love and his words....signs and wonders cannot follow us if we do not go!

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...