Thursday, November 14, 2024

 What if The Lord said to you  - "I'm going to give you untold wealth, riches beyond measure, but to get them you'll have to sit at My feet, learning from Me daily, for the next twenty years."
Could you do it? Much wisdom can only be cultivated through much time  - time spent in The Lord's presence.  It cannot be obtained any other way. It takes great patience to learn some lessons. This is why the old often ( but not always) have more wisdom than the young - not because they're smarter but simply because they've had more time to invest in the pursuit of wisdom.  They have experiential wisdom in spades. They've spent far more time in the Lord's presence  - They've embraced and welcomed the spirit of wisdom,  amen. Not that God can't put that spirit on a child, even at a very young age. Jesus was only 12 when he astonished the wise men in the Temple. That same child who told his parents "I must be about my Father's business" - years later went back to that same Temple and went about his Father's business   - i.e. cleansing the Temple of the money changers and those who had made religion into a business. 

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...