Wednesday, November 20, 2024

 There is a company that exists to provide a service.  This service is  - the transferring of wealth from one to another,  from anywhere on earth to anywhere else; and this company is named "Western Union".

Thus saith The Lord  -

   I am bringing a unity to My people in the West that they've never known before  - heretofore they've known primarily distraction from who I am and from My desires - but yea and amen  - NO MORE! Saith The Lord  - My people  -  those whose hearts belong to Me - will no longer be divided  - will no longer recognize man made labels and systems, will no longer bow the knees of their hearts to a spirit that divides them not unites  -

MY SPIRIT ALONE WILL COURSE THROUGH THEM  -  providing love and insight into My will and My ways. I alone will be their God and they shall not worship another. Unity shall be the hallmark of their gatherings, for this must come to pass ere I return.  I will only return for a pure and mature Bride whose agenda is only to pkease Me and unity pleases Me above all - ONE BODY, ONE FAITH, ONE BAPTISM, ONE SPIRIT, ONE, ONE, ONE! One God and Father above all! 

This "Western Union" that's coming  - will usher in a great "transferal of wealth" for My people will no longer hoard revelation nor spend money only on themselves or their kind  - those THEY honor and recognize but (from) henceforth they will give as I lead them to, freely, to strangers,  orphans and widows, both spiritual and natural. Man-made boundaries will be obliterated by My mighty right hand  - for I do not recognize flesh. I am no respecter of persons  - after the flesh. I will not have My people give according to some fleshly agenda longer. You will share revelation and truth with all who will receive it  - the walls of your kingdoms you call "your church" will fall - that only My Church will remain. 

You will share the wealth  - by transferring what I've shared with you - to each other and by so doing you will fulfill the Law of Christ  - "love one another". Love is giving - giving is love - the two are mutually inclusive and cannot exist apart from each other. You unify    - not for your own personal gain but so you have someone to give of your own gain to. Your focus is not to bev on you or "your church" but on Me and "My Church", saith the Lord.  Happy is the man that heareth and doeth these sayings of Mine, saith The Lord. 

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...