Friday, November 8, 2024

      Sometimes,  some of us need to become "captives of Christ" - "slaves of righteousness"  - our wills completely broken and submitted to Him. There are times when we simply cannot repent, no matter how hard we try  - we cannot turn away from a besetting sin - we need deliverance.  We need to cry out  - Lord, set this captive free! For i cannot free myself! We're helpless but not hopeless.  We're bound. It's a "Stronghold" on our soul. We're gripped tight, stuck fast in the muck and mire of our sin. We cannot free ourselves. 

     Those of us in this kind of bondage  - must by faith (the substance of things hoped for) believe God can and will free us - no matter how many times we've tried to do so in our own will and strength  - and failed. Don't let guilt and shame crush you because you're a Christian  - a minister even - yet still caught in a particular sin. The fact is - you can't quit! You're in so deep you forgot which way is up. You're weak, so weak - admit it! Admit it to God! Admit it to wise counselors He's put in your path. Confess your faults - surrender to Him, who alone can free you from your chains, from your addictions and lusts, from your flesh. He alone can restore your soul but like a fine automobile- restoration can take time - sometimes a long time because there's been so much damage done to your soul.  The rebuilding process can take awhile.  The key is to stay submitted to the mighty right hand of God - stay in His presence.  Don't get off the operating table in the middle of the operation.  Remember  - all things are working together for your good. Remember too - Death is God's conquered servant.  Death is not our enemy, not anymore.  Life conquered death on the Cross. God uses death for His glory! He uses death to deliver us from evil. First  - we die to ourselves- to all in us that rebels against and hates God (sin) - then, after our souls die and are reborn in His image  - now in love with Him and His ways - our bodies follow. Our bodies follow where our hearts lead. Our bodies are the last part of us to die - then be remade in His image:  immortal,  eternal,  glorious forever! Our bodies will dwell forever wherever our hearts are.

Apostle Christopher 

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...