Wednesday, December 11, 2024

 Don't know if you've noticed but every living thing on earth  - from the smallest to the largest  - has something to eat. What a caring,  loving Father He is!
Now, since the fall - since man submitted to sin, death entered into the eternal life cycle of planet earth  - death is unnatural, all creation was designed to live forever but now all creation devours itself  - this is what it really means to sin - we devour ourselves and one another  - till there's nothing left to save: sin and death feed upon life and rob us of the eternal fellowship our Father granted us and desires to have with us.
When God restores all things by resetting His creation  - with a new heaven and a new earth  - life will again continue uninterrupted by death, because sin will no longer exist. Don't you long for this glorious Day, long ago promised by your loving, heavenly Father? When death, the last foe, will be swallowed up by life  - never to be tasted again?

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...