Sunday, February 9, 2025

Part Three


My message  - our message  - the message of modern day Apostles and Prophets can be summarized in Isaiah 2:3  -

"Come, let us go, to the House of God - and HE Will TEACH US, of HIS WAYS and we will walk in HIS PATHS  - And HE shall judge among the nations and HE SHALL REBUKE MANY PEOPLE  - neither shall they learn war anymore!"

No more denominations! No more being taught man's ways! He will rebuke all who exalt and honor man  - who exalt one another, who prefer darkness to light:
"Come ye - let us walk in the light of The Lord". "The lofty looks of man shall be humbled, and the naughtiness of men shall be bowed down - and The Lord alone shall be exalted in that day!"

Oh how I long for this day! Oh how I long to see The Lord alone exalted in every heart and "church" that claim to be His!  Everyone that has lifted themselves up shall be brought low - 2:11&17  both repeat - meaning - God is really,  really,  serious about what He's saying  - namely, GOD WILL BRING LOW THE PROUD starting with His own people  - every church and denomination rooted in pride -  "BECAUSE THEIR TONGUE AND THEIR DOINGS ARE AGAINST THE LORD" but, i  the midst of Judgment  - God says  (v 3:9) - "SAY YE TO THE RIGHTEOUS  - THAT IT SHALL BE WELL WITH HIM  - FOR THEY SHALL EAT THE FRUIT OF THEIR DOINGS" but "WOE TO THE WICKED  - IT SHALL BE ILL WITH HIM - FOR THE REWARD OF HIS HANDS SHALL BE GIVEN HIM".
As for God's people  - He has this to say to them  - to you - to all who name the name of Christ today  -
"As for My people, O My people  - THEY WHICH LEAD THEE CAUSE THEE TO ERR, and destroy the way of thy paths"  -  A truer word was never spoken! Today's church leadership is far worse than any other corrupt leadership exposed in the Bible because they have access to the Holy Spirit! They are, consistently,  leading God's people  into error  - for they do not lead them into a relationship with Him whereby they are no longer needed  - no  - they fight and teach doctrine that keeps them in power and authority over their "houses" never relenting their grip on power and position  - never releasing God's people into the fulness of their calling, often aborting them and "the spoil of the poor is in your houses" Oh how true today! From local pastors to televangelists  - they "spoil the poor" - poor in spirit  - as well as worldly wealth  "WHAT MEAN YE THAT YE BEAT MY PEOPLE TO PIECES, AND GRIND THE FACES OF THE POOR?" "THEY ARE JUDGED AND FOUND WANTING SAITH THE LORD  - I SHALL NO LONGER STAND BY WHILE YOU ROB MY PEOPLE OF THEIR INHERITANCE  - YOU SPOIL THEM AS AN ARMY YOU'VE CONQUERED BUT I SAY AWAKEN! AWAKEN MY PEOPLE! THROW OFF THE BONDS OF THE OPPRESSOR  - DISCERN BETWEEN ME AND THE UNCLEAN -  THOSE WHO SEEK TO DEVOUR YOU FOR THEIR OWN GLORY AND GAIN  - DO NOR ANY LONGER SUBMIT TO THEM  - CAUSE MY WRATH TO ABATE AND MY ANGER  - MY SORE DISPLEASURE TO BE ASSAUGED  - DRAW NEAR TO ME WHILE I MAY BE FOUND, SAITH THE LORD ".

- Apostle Chris 

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...