Saturday, December 26, 2009

The first Noel that I ever did hear
was sung by angels as they drew near
As I heard their loud cry
My heart was lifted high
With wonder and joy
As they appeared in the sky
But the message they sang of
Filled me with love
Peace on earth, good will toward men,
From your God being born in Bethlehem!
Oh we rejoiced in this Truth!
And we knew what we had to do –
then, we shepherds of sheep
raced to find the Shepherd of men.
And it was just as the angel’s said,
We found Him there in that manger bed,
The King of kings lay there –
The servant of all
humbly sleeping in that lowly stall

And from that moment on
We watched Him grow
Into the Saviour we’ve come to know
As I watch Him now
Bleeding on that Tree
I remember Him as a tiny baby
And I see
Oh my God,
You are suffering for me!
Truly, the words of the angels You’ve fulfilled!
To all of us now Peace and Good Will…


A Baby born
On Christmas morn
Caused all our hearts
to leap and soar
with Joy unsurpassed
that forever will last
We rejoice in the One
Known as God’s perfect Son
Born unto men
To remove sin
To bring God and man
Together again
Jesus Emmanuel
Thank You
For making us well

Happy Birthday!

We know of a certainty that Jesus was not born on December 25th. For one thing, it was too cold in Israel at that time of year for the shepherds to abide by night with their sheep. We know that many traditions and customs that have become associated with Christmas are pagan in origin, including the date. Yet, I still rejoice that there is a day set aside, recognized the world over, to celebrate His birth. I care not what the pagans do on this day, I worship and celebrate The Christ. I will not give the devil one single day to call his own, no, everyday is the day the Lord has made and I will give each day to Him. I believe there is a strong anointing from the Lord on Christmas, it is a wonderful time to share Him with the lost and what better way to celebrate the greatest gift ever given then by giving gifts! And some of the Christmas carols are among the most beautiful songs ever written. So I say celebrate Christmas, while leaving out the pagan trappings. Amen.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...