Monday, December 7, 2009

I don’t want to write words
Simply because I want to hear them spoken
I don’t want to impart the wisdom of man
Some boastful yet proud and useless token
I never want to waste your time
With some cleverly-worded or witty rhyme
Only at the end to find
You haven’t been touched by Eternity
Something lasting by His Spirit imparted to Thee –

Something warm,
Something living,
Something deep,
Something giving,
that touches your soul
Something of Him who makes you whole

So if by the end of these words that I write
The eyes of your understanding haven’t been given sight
If to this fact your soul does not bend –
That the Glory of knowledge is in knowing Him,
If the fruit of these words is glory to me,
Than I will have failed quite miserably.

So please my friend, benefactor of my script,
Do not to me this disservice –
Do not dwell upon the vessel,
The messenger, the scribe,
but instead give your praise to the Treasurer inside
Give credit to whom credit is due –
It is not I but God you should give Glory to.

What have I that isn’t given from above?
It is not within me to walk circumspectly –
Only by His Love!
So I will boast only of the Cross of my Jesus, Christ,
For by His Blood, oh rejoice! My name is written in
His Book of Life!
So when you consider these words
And these thoughts that I share,
I hope you see His Hand guiding mine with care.


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