Sunday, December 6, 2009

Darkness enters through the light of your TV
and I hear you say
Lord, just a closer walk with Thee

Who speaks into your soul
plays such an important role
in who you are to be

Is it___________ or is it the world speaking through your TV?

Love not the world nor things that are in the world

Why have communion with the sons of Belial?
Why continue in this habit of denial?
Why not shut out the voice of the world –
Is it such a trial?

I long for your heart and love
all the while…

2 Cor:6:14-18

Yes we are to boldly approach Your Throne of Grace
But we should do it on our knees or on our face
We do not forsake with each other our assembling
But as we do, we do so with reverence, fear and trembling
You are The God that put on human form
You are The God that can be touched
You are The God that reigns forevermore
And You O God are the One we love much
Yes we love You with all we are, not part
Not superficially with our lips and not our hearts
Yes we love You imperfectly it’s true
But in Christ we are perfected in our love for You
We’re no longer just sinners saved by Grace
But Saints who know You face to face
Holy Spirit, thank You for patiently abiding with us
Applying the Blood of our risen Lamb whenever You must
Teaching us to yield our members to Him
That in this flesh we can be free from sin
Show us the way out of every temptation
May Holiness and purity be our destination
Jesus, You showed us a man can live in this flesh
And yet dwell in Righteousness
You, O Jesus, broke the power of sin and death
By fulfilling the law completely, You’ve forever paid the penalty
By Your example we will learn to live free
With The Holy Spirit’s guidance and leading
Your sacrifice, Your given life, Your dying and bleeding
Won’t be in vain, won’t be disdained
Instead, Power, Glory and Honour
Will forever belong, in Word and Song
From our lips to Your Name!

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...