Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Oh Lord let us burn brightly in these dark days
May we burn with Holy Fire – set us ablaze
Let us shine more and more brightly at the end of this present Age
May we, Your Holy War, shun not to wage
We wrestle not against flesh and blood
But against spiritual wickedness in high places
But we enter into battle knowing our sin Your Blood erases
We have the knowledge of The Holy One
We have the knowledge of the Just
To the intimate knowledge of knowing Christ
Our lives we fully entrust
Keep us, oh Father from the Pride of life and lust
Lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes,
And as we remain humbly broken before You,
Always, we realize –
apart from You we can do nothing
apart from You we are nothing
Nothing but puffed up bags of flesh
Full of rotting bones and death
Our hearts apart from Him are as the beasts of the field
Full of wickedness, refusing to yield
Without Christ, divorce rates rise, drug use is up, homosexuals lie,
Abortion on demand, alcoholism and suicide,
Murders and rapes at an all time high.
A rebellious and wayward generation honour Me with their lips
But their hearts are far, far from Me – you hypocrites!
How long will I suffer you? The blood of Innocents – I hear their cries!
How long will My Truth you continue to deny?
How long will My Holiness you despise?
You are a perverse generation who do err continually in your hearts,
You cry to Me with lips of flattery
But My Spirit from you departs
Do you care that you call good evil, and evil good?
Oh My ways are not your ways,
Though you could learn My ways but you would not. 1 Joh:2:16

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...