Thursday, December 17, 2009

One day, The Lord took me for a walk in His vineyard. As I looked around, I noticed much of the fruit was rotting on the vine. I asked The Lord, what’s happening to Your vineyard? He said the rotting fruit represents people who are sitting in churches and never being allowed to minister to each other. We must all get back to 1 Cor:14:26!

I saw the fruit – it was rotting on the vine
it represented souls that aren’t allowed to shine
and the Holy Spirit is grieved, time after time
when He visits churches across the world only to find
The Fruit of The Lord’s vineyard – rotting on the vine

Too much Religion, with too little Faith
Too many churches have become a place
Where souls are herded into the sheep pen of tradition
Where they’re dying as they’re kept in a weakened condition

We are to make Disciples of all men
We are to teach them and care for them
Showing them how to walk in The Spirit of our God
Not sticking them in a pew and leaving them there to rot

Doing works of service are all well and good
But we must also grow in spiritual gifts and callings
To arrive at spiritual adulthood
Let us go on to purity and maturity, leadership, lead your people
And release them and let them go
Don’t stand idly by refusing to let them grow
If so
You are a hireling and not a true shepherd
Working for what you can get, not what you can give
Not entering yourself and preventing others from entering in


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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...