Saturday, December 19, 2009

True repentance is so hard to find these days
Someone who really wants to change their ways
People havin’ too much fun with the games they play
Gonna keep on keepin’ on no matter what I say
But there are some who aren’t havin’ fun
tired of livin’ life on the run
tired O’ their hearts fallin’ apart
lookin’ and a searchin’ for a brand new start
These are the ones I’m writin’ to
The heartbroken, sad and lonely few
Who realize their lives are incomplete
Come to the Wedding feast and take a seat

The world is so full of so many philosophies
You can serve just about any ol’ god you please
but you won’t find Hope or Joy and you sure won’t find no peace,
till you bow to the One who hung at Calvary
The One that bled and died for you and me
The One who inhabits Paradise Eternally

Now you can choose to sing the blues
Or you can get down on your knees
Cause if you want to know the truth
Jesus says simply “Follow Me”

Mat:9:9 4:19 8:22 19:21
Luk:5:27 9:59-62
Joh:1:43 21:22

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...