Friday, December 18, 2009

The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. Now my flesh becomes the Word and dwells in Heaven. For His flesh is my flesh. I am bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh. His flesh is risen and will never again taste death, therefore I also am risen and will never see the second death. O death, where is thy sting? It is not I who lives but Christ who lives in me. The life I now live I live by the faith of the Son of God who lives in me. His victory is mine and it is complete and perfect and lacking nothing. No good thing, nothing pertaining to Eternal Life and godliness has been withheld from me. All that I am is found in Him.

Mighty Warrior! Warrior of Warriors! Come and redeem Your own! Come and replenish the earth. Come and walk this earth once again in communion with men! May all rebellion, sin and death be put far from us. There is none in Heaven beside Thee, oh Lord, let there be none beside Thee on earth! Come, let the watchmen cry out! All creation groans! No more cruel bondage! The dark one and his servants are cast out forever. Come people of God! Cry out and rest not until all things are accomplished according to His Will. Be vigilant. Watch for His return. Pray that we will escape the final damnation of this world. Pray – those who endure to the end will be saved.

Faint not. Look to one another. Strengthen the feeble hands that hang down. Love one another and by so doing cover a multitude of sins. Rejoice! Marvel not at the trials and tribulations you are going through as if it were a strange thing. Rejoice! You have been counted worthy to suffer for My Name’s sake! All those who will live Godly lives in Me will suffer persecution because the world hates you as they hated Me. Nothing’s changed! They crucified Me and what will they do to you? Fear not – for I have overcome the world. All these things must come to pass before the end will come. The cup is full of the wrath of My Father and it shall soon be poured out and when it happens – come with Me and hide with Me in the cleft of the Rock until His anger is appeased. You have heard it said that your enemy goes about as a lion seeking whom he can devour but I say to you that men who devour evil will themselves be devoured, for the eyes of The Lord run to and fro throughout the earth beholding both good and evil and woe to them who commit evil and not good. Woe to them who call evil, good and good, evil. Do not blaspheme My Spirit any longer! Do not resist Him for He only desires your good. It is not My Will that any should perish but if you who choose darkness instead of light do not repent quickly behold I come with a double-edged sword.

There is no one who can stand in My Presence without the seal of My Father upon their forehead, for their minds have been sanctified and every evil thought has been cast down and in them is no guile. They are My beloved brethren and they are loved by My Father and the world is not worthy of them. Behold! Their blood cries out to Me from the ground and they shall not go unavenged for vengeance is Mine says The Lord. Do not let your hearts become hard, haughty or cold because iniquity will continue to abound more and more as the end draws near but even more so will My Grace abound to you. Fear not I say – I have overcome many evils and I will overcome until the end. Abide in Me and I will abide in you: and you will endure to the end because you are the fruit of My Father – in you is the seed He will use to replenish the new Heavens and the new earth in that day that My Father presents Me with My long awaited for Bride. In that day her beauty will radiate throughout the Heavens and the old heavens and the old earth shall be put away as garments not worthy of My Bride. The new Heavens and the new earth shall be My Father’s endowment to her.

In My Father’s house are many mansions and I am even now preparing a place for you, My love. Look to Me and not to another for love. Remain faithful until the end. Put your Hope and Trust in Me and where I am you will be also. Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked nor stands in the practices of sinners nor sits in the seat of mockers but this man rather, delights in Me. My power and My Glory will be known to him and others will see and many will repent and be baptized and he will repair the breach and restore the paths to dwell in and My people will perish from lack of knowledge, from lack of knowing Me no longer and I will give them shepherds who will guide them with My heart, who will feed them with knowledge and understanding and guard them with My Word and who will even be willing to lay down their lives for My sheep, who will no longer flee when danger comes, who will no longer seek to preserve their own life but will seek to preserve the lives of My people. These men will be shepherds after My own heart. They will care for My people as I do. Tenderly and with great compassion will they lead My people. When was the last time you saw a shepherd weep for the wounds of My people? I ever live to make intercession for you, and I still weep for you and My Father has saved My tears and you will see them one day. Fear not – put on the bond of perfection which is love, which is My engagement ring to you and all those who are properly clothed will not be turned away. I love you.
- Yeshua Emmanuel
love perfected

1 Cor:4:8

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