Friday, March 26, 2010

Be glad, be encouraged in the Presence of The Lord
It is Him we love and worship and adore.
No greater strength can be found within the length
Of our days then when we give Him Praise.

We’re practicing for what we’ll do
For all Eternity through.
We’ll join with the white-robed, Blood washed Saints
Eternally grateful, always giving thanks.

Even the Seraphim and Angels round Your Throne
Can’t claim the sacrificial love found within Your Blood
No, it is ours alone.

Be glad, be encouraged in the Presence of The Lord
It is Him we love and worship and adore.


To see what the eyes of Adam saw
The fruit of the Tree of Life to eat
To obey the Scripture’s royal law
To crush the serpents head beneath our feet

These are the joys His life can bring!
These are worthy of tongues to sing!
These are ours when to God we cling
When all our flesh to the Cross we bring

Jesus! Jesus! The Lord our Righteousness!
Who alone imparts to us Holiness –
Truly we are blessed!

To labour with favour as Noah did
To usher in His second coming
No longer from Him is Israel hid
Soon to be fulfilled, His patient longing
Even so, come quickly Lord Yeshua!

Jesus! Jesus!
The Lord our Righteousness!
Who alone imparts to us Holiness!

Truly we are Blessed!

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...