Friday, March 26, 2010

If your heart is made of stone
It can still become His Throne
Forever to be His Home
Never more to be alone

Cry out to Him
Oh break me, God, within
Teach my soul to be
Filled with humility

I want to see You
I want to be You
I send this plea to You –

God, take me apart
And put me together again
A perfect reflection of Your Holy Heart
Here I am, Yours to mend


Some of us need open heart surgery. Some of us need a whole new heart, a heart transplant!

Sometimes Lord, in the midst of a heavy burden or trial
You say “Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place and rest awhile”
And sometimes in that Desert place,
we get lonely, begin to lose hope
It is then You tell us –
“Cast your net on the other side of the boat”
Sometimes when we think we’re in a time of testing
God is wanting us to enter into His rest and refreshing

What seems to be a time of decrease
Is often a prelude to a mighty release
Of the Destiny God’s created for thee –
A time of increase and prosperity
God’s bringing you to that place of fulfilment of wishes
Just trust Him for He knows exactly where that fish is

So if you’re called into a desert place for a season
Know assuredly God has His reason
He sometimes has to remind us that it is His plan
To draw us aside and away from all that is of man

As from the ways and strength and wisdom of man, He weans us off
He reminds us that all that comes from man had to die on the Cross
And that the place of deliverance from His wrath
Is a very narrow and lonely path and few there be that find it
Though our hearts break to see so many take
The road to destruction
We ourselves will never stop following His instruction

So a Desert place can be filled with Grace
(when we take our eyes off man and behold His face)
So when He leads us there, whether beside still waters
in green pastures or in a wilderness –
We’re safely in His care
Sometimes we fast from us
So we may cast from us
All that is unkind and unclean
In the Potter’s hands He removes impurities
And there’s nothing there to distract us from the fact our flesh is dying
And in that place we desert all our trying
And we realize we’re completely helpless and naked and in need
And there we fall on our face
Before the only God of Grace
And we plead

And there we find rest
And there we are refreshed
And there we come to know
What it means to be Blessed
By true riches
From His Spirit
And not flesh

I’m in the midst of a Miracle
Caught up in a whirlpool of blessings
Couldn’t escape if I tried
So I’m confessing –

I’m in the middle of a Miracle
I’m being swept along
By a River so strong
I’ve lost all control
In this river’s flow
My destinies’ become clear to me
My servant is adversity
For all things work for the good of the godly
I’m right in the middle of a Miracle, really!

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...