Tuesday, April 27, 2010

All who call on Him will be saved
All who ignore Him are depraved

His love compels Him to
continue to impel them to
Come to Him for Eternal Joy and Love
But one Day He’ll say “I’ve had enough”
After we meet Him in the earth
We’ll meet Him in the sky,
Face to face, eye to eye
When our flesh will become the new earth
Of which He spoke, of which He cried
And His Spirit will make all things new, fresh and clean
And sin and death will never again appear on the scene
Forever we’ll frolic and play
And sing and dance and pray
And live and love and rejoice for the wonderful Day
He has made and ordained
Oh our hearts will forever be unrestrained,
Unfettered, unhindered, unbound, unchained, free
to be His wholeheartedly
Oh HalleluJah! Oh for Joy!
Words cannot employ
Nor can they express
Your Eternal loveliness!


You are the focus of my existence
You are the reason why I live
You have been the most persistent
With the love You have to give

Oh God I want You, all of You
As You have held nothing back from me
Oh God let this prayer be true –
Take all I am, I give me to Thee

“Your home is your church and your church is your home”

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...