Monday, April 26, 2010

Find Out

Your life is so full of so many agendas
You run to and fro where The Lord didn’t send ya
The altars you’ve built, they now lie in ruin
Have you stopped to consider just what it is you’re doin’?
Have you found out? Have you found out?
What pleases The Lord?
Have you found out, have you found out
what pleases The Lord?
You’ve heard it before that your life is not your own
But who is it really who’s on your heart’s throne?
Is it God? Is it man? Is it you? Is it He?
Just who is it are you trying to please?
And have you found out?
Have you found out, what pleases The Lord?
Have you found out, what pleases The Lord?
For all seek their own not the things that are Jesus Christ’s
Are you still in love with this world?
Have you truly laid down your life?
You love and you give as long as you get in return
But when, oh when will you finally learn
What it is, oh what it is that pleases The Lord?
What is it that pleases The Lord?

Our lives can be so fleeting like a vapour on a glass
And in the end it’s you The Lord will look to and ask –
Did you find out? Did you find out?
What’s pleasing to Me?
Did you hear and obey and agree?
What will, oh what will your answer be?
Did you find out what is pleasing to Me?

Eph:5:10 Phi:2:21

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...