Monday, April 5, 2010


Why did God create girls?
Was it because they look better in curls? No?
Maybe it was because He wanted Adam to know
how much He loved him (and Adam was lonely, too)
So He took his rib and Adam became two
and there was Eve
and God said “Adam, I love you
She’s the very best I have to offer,
She’s your bones and your flesh
When she is at peace in you,
Your house will be surely blessed
Her loveliness reflects your beauty to Me,
and her qualities are like those
My Bride has, you’ll see
Treasure came from you
Like treasure came from Me
To follow in your Daddy’s footsteps,
That is your destiny”.
Love Father


A woman’s group invited me to come and speak. On the way, I asked The Lord for a poem for them. This is what He gave me. One of my heart’s great desires is to always see things from God’s perspective.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...