Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Heart to Heart

I saw a romance just the other day
As far as movies go, it was ok
I've heard about Romeo and Juliet
but baby let's never forget -

We've got our own love story
thats about me for you and you for me
Better than any made up romance
is this love we share that has our heart's entranced

So let's keep writing our love's next chapter
Let's walk together into our happily ever after
Let's end each day on a lover's high
though we may not always see eye to eye

When all is said and when all is done, baby
You're the only one for me
and this I've known right from the start
we're meant to live, heart to heart

Romance fairy tales well, they come and they go
But the truth I'm stickin' to is all I know
When I'm with you Sheryl, my love's complete
You give my heart a reason to go ahead and beat

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...