Thursday, April 8, 2010

The littlest bean bag

I was alone, packing our families belongings for another move. As I explored the house, I came to my six year old daughter Karianna’s room and saw her old bean bag, sitting forlornly in the corner, sadly looking at me, with half it’s beans gone, as if to say “Are you too going to forget about me?” I sat down and wrote –

The littlest bean bag

The littlest bean bag felt very lonely indeed
For a long time now no one had the need
To sit on him, to use him, you see
He had lost or given away so many of his beans
Given away? You say?
Now why would he do that?
Now that is a tale to which you will tip your hat!
For when the bean bag first arrived
All stuffy and brand new,
Many people sat on him, most everyone it’s true
(including Aunt Sophie, who could’ve won a trophy
for being the biggest person we knew!)
Yes they’d sit on him when happy,
they’d sit on him when sad,
they’d sit on him when they were really, really mad at dad!
And when they would cry
The little bean bag would sigh
And say to himself –
“Self, what can you give to make them feel better?
Because all this crying’s getting me wetter and wetter!”
And then the bean bag thought
(now you’ll see this story’s theme)
The only thing I have to give is inside of me, it’s beans!
So from then on when Suzie or Billy came to cry
He’d give a tiny bean from somewhere deep inside
Yes, whenever they’d pout, a little bean would pop out!
So the lesson boys and girls that I want you to see,
Is that what people need the most from you and from me,
Is not toys or money or things and stuff
No, what they need comes from deep inside of us,
It comes from our hearts and we all need them,
Whether you’re a mister or a misses
And that is, of course,
Plenty of hugs and kisses!

2 Cor:4:7

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