Wednesday, April 7, 2010

When God created the very first Golden Labrador retriever
He knew, He absolutely knew
That you would one day be a receiver
Of that dog’s descendant’s wagging tail,
Tongue licking your face,
Giving you a dogs unique embrace (unconditional love)
And it brought God joy to know
One day that dog would show you love

And each Tree and each Rock,
Each sunrise and sunset talked
To God as He knew one day
The earth you’d trod
He knew, yes He knew
One day you’d come to be
And you’d enjoy the God that is He
For all you see is a gift of love
From the God of Eternity
As you exist to give Him pleasure
So this earth exists to give you pleasure
Truly we cannot measure
God’s love
For the source is forever!


Gossip the Gospel!
April 6

Thank You Lord for simple things
Like Frisbees, bikes and rope swings
Fishing poles and summer breezes
Late sunshine through the leaves of treeses
Thank You Lord for happy children
Laughter must have been Your Will then
So if we’re made in Your likeness
You must like to laugh just like us
Thank You Lord for smiling faces
And that Your Spirit - our pain erases
I’m so grateful You love us as our Daddy
The thought of You makes my heart so gladdy
So as I sit and ponder Your Peace
I glimpse and taste of the world to come
I know all that is good will never cease
While all that is evil will soon be done
Soon be done
All that rebels against You we’ll shun
Darkness will flee
As forever we’ll be
Found in the light of the Son
Found in the light of the Son


P.S. Happy Birthday, Karianna!

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