Sunday, May 16, 2010


We are called to keep Covenant.
Our hearts circumcised till every thought and intent
is in accordance with His Word.
Our souls can no longer afford
to neglect this Covenant we have with our Lord.
We will perish from the way if we continue to ignore
this Blood Covenant God has cut with those that He adores.
For so long now, God, You have faithfully kept Your word to me
You said You would come and die to set Your people free
Even so, Yeshua came and He bled upon the Tree.
You are the God who His word of Covenant keeps. Always
So now I come, Lord and Covenant with You.
I will fulfil my destiny, all You have called me to.
I will finish this race and when my life is through,
I will receive my reward – Eternity with You!
As Your Love has never ceased
My Love for You will ever increase
Till this all-consuming fire
Burns away every other desire
but You.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...