Saturday, May 15, 2010


A Prince is born.
A Prince is born this day.
He wrestled with God and he overcame, they say.
A Nation is born.
A Nation is born this day.
Born of the seed of Abraham, it’s memory will never fade.
A desire.
A desire is born this day.
A proto-type community for the whole human race.
A people who will love and obey God, even know Him face to face.
A Love is yearning.
A Love is burning strong this day.
A Love for the people of Israel – every Jew who does not know the Way.
A longing to witness their Salvation;
to see their hearts’ wide open invitation,
holding Yeshua in their embrace.
Oh God, Oh God please bring them to this place,
No more to know shame, no more to know disgrace.
Take away the veil, Lord, take the veil away from their face!
Oh bring them to a resurrection knowledge of saving Grace!
I now bless you, Israel
In the Name above all names
Your Saviour and your Master
He who bears your pain
Yeshua Ha Mashiach
Soon to return again
Blessed is He who comes in the Name of The Lord
I now charge you, Church,
Not to think more highly
of yourselves than you ought
Lest by any means concerning Israel,
You find yourselves being caught,
Rejecting the very roots
Through which the blessings
You now enjoy have flowed
Jesus is the Great Shepherd
And He’s not limited to just one fold
Indeed without dear, precious Israel
Our story could not be told.
Indeed with precious Israel,
This saying will now be said –
If their falling away was our Salvation
Their returning shall be life from the dead!
Hallelujah! Amen.

The scriptural principle is “to the Jew first, then the Greek”. God initiated His romance with mankind through Israel and it will never end. We as Christians are known to God as “Israel”, not replacing them but joining them! He’ll be married forever to Israel and no one else! Both Jew and gentile are one in Christ forever. Israel represents the Church’s past while the Church represents Israel’s future! Israel, to God, represents passion! Jacob showed such passion for God, he wrestled with Him all night till he got his blessing! This is why they (and we) are known as “Israelites”, not “Abrahamites” or “Isaacites”. God is saying He wants a passionate people!

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