Monday, June 14, 2010

Oh my fellow Saints in the Army of God most High
Know you of a Truth – you are on the winning side!
Yet you must hear by the Spirit the sound of the Trumpet’s cry
And when you hear it blowing this fact you should be knowing
Oh my people – it’s time to get going!
Don’t sit still when it’s time to march forth
Advance. Go forward. Stay the Course.
Always you have but one simple choice –
Say yea or nay when you hear His voice.

Go my people – rise up from your beds
Obey what the Captain of the Host says
You are the only ones on earth Spirit led
And you are the ones that fill My enemies with dread!
Arise and be doing!
Arise and sing!
Go forth and conquer! Take flight, take wing!
Stand tall! Shine bright!
You are mighty in My sight!
My Holy Warrior Bride!
For you I am filled with Pride!
Quickly now come to My side!

Mar :16 :15
Jos :1 :9
1 Chr :22 :19

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...