Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Tomb became a Womb

They lay the Crown upon His head
For me His brow bled

They nailed the nails into His hands
For me He died the Son of Man

They nailed the nail into His feet
For me His heart ceased to beat

They took the spear and pierced His side
Blood and water flowed for me His Bride

They lay His body in a tomb
For me the tomb became a womb!

Oh the Tomb became a Womb for me!
He has now made room for me!
Now life is in full bloom for me!
Since the Tomb became a Womb for me!

What once was a place of darkness
Has become a place of light
What once was a place of death
Has become a place of life
What was once a place of blindness
Has become a place of sight
All that was wrong has now been made right!

Since the Tomb became a Womb for me!
He has now a room in me!
Now life is in full bloom in me
Since the Tomb became a Womb for me!

I became a new creation that night in the Tomb
That night He was raised, I was raised too
Let men rejoice, oh let them see –
The power of His Resurrection lives in me!

So don’t look for my Lord in the tomb
And don’t look for Him on the tree
If you’re looking for Him look no further
For by His Spirit He dwells in me!

I will praise Thee oh my God!
I will worship You this Day!
For truly I am fearfully
And wonderfully I am made!
For within that Body, within that Tomb
Wherein my Salvation lay
Was found all that I am
And ever will be –
My spiritual DNA!

Thank You Lord, for without You I could not even be made!
Thank You that the Tomb became a Womb for me!
There is nothing You wouldn’t do for me
When You raised Jesus, you raised me
That night the tomb became a womb for me.


Oh what Joy!
The Day has finally come!
Oh what Joy!
Our travailing is done!

He is here at last!
The wickedness is past!

We waited for the trumpet sound
But He was nowhere to be found
We longed for His return
Oh how our hearts burned!

Oh what Joy! What Joy!
Our Lord has returned,
Just as He said –
Now every believer is raised from the dead!
We are caught up to meet Him in the air
Just as He promised He’d meet us there!
Never again to know sorrow or despair
Eternal life is our tomorrow

The antithesis of the poem from May 2nd .

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...