Sunday, June 27, 2010

They put their faith in their money
and money is a very poor god to serve
Naked we’re born into and naked we’ll leave this world
or haven’t you heard?
If money is still your god then,
there’ll be weeping and gnashing of teeth
Everyone who clings to money will forever be filled with grief
To follow Christ we must sacrifice
all other god’s this world desires
Put out this notice as you read this twice –
“My heart isn’t for hire”
“I’ll not love money or any other pursuit
No, my heart won’t be set on getting more loot
No, my heart belongs to Jesus alone,
He’s the only One who makes me an Eternal Home”

Money can’t buy real estate in Heaven
So beware my people of the Pharisees leaven
Pride and greed for a while may fill your needs
But they will surely lead to an unwanted destiny
For you God Himself personally and deeply cares
He’s even numbered every one of your hairs
He notices when a small bird falls and dies
How much more does He pay attention to your hearts’ cries?
So set your heart on Him not money or sin
For if you do, when the race is through
You’ll not lose but win!

Mat:6:24 10:29&30

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...