Thursday, July 22, 2010

Psalm 147

When you’re poor and the light bulbs burn out – you don’t replace them
When you’re poor and you go to a church full of the rich –
It’s hard to face them.
You eat noodles and baloney and whatever else is cheap
And you long for the days when you used to be able to eat
Chicken and fish and steaks – now all you eat is mistakes
When you’re poor you don’t like to answer the phone
Instead you pretend nobody’s home
(it might be them bill collectors strippin’ you to the bone)
When you’re poor it humbles you –
You just can’t afford to be arrogant and proud
You have to pray to The Lord out loud
For just a scrap to eat,
Clothes on your back, shoes on your feet
You have to cry out from the depths of your being
Not just mouth an empty prayer
That comes from a heart that’s unbelieving
When you’re poor the Lord is not your last resort but your first
He is the One who fills your hunger and thirst
And you know Him as the God of all comfort
Your Saviour, the One who hears your cry
The Only One on whom you can rely.

1 Joh:1:7

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...