Friday, July 23, 2010


The baby grew within the womb
as intended by The Lord
A place of warmth and safety too
a place to be adored
A place to be fed and nourished
and prepared to meet the world
A place that God has chosen
to create each boy and girl
A place that has now become
by so many in our land
The greatest act of selfishness
of sinful, fallen man
For no other single act can describe
The horror that lives inside
When we choose to live our lives
By the will of the father of lies
When we reject Jesus and choose self
We make a covenant with death and Hell
(while actually thinking all is well)
that so corrupts and defiles our selfish hearts
that they can offer up their children to be torn apart
The blood of innocents’ cry is loud
Baal and Molech would be so proud

2 Chr:28:3

It’s a good thing Jesus wasn’t aborted. We should all cover our heads in dust, mourn in sackcloth and ashes for the horrible sin of abortion. Our country, the USA, now has the distinction of having murdered more of it’s own children than any other nation in the history of mankind…and yet we call ourselves a “Christian” nation!

Show them you love them
Show them you care
Show them you miss them
When they are not there
But do not withdraw your love
If they withdraw theirs
But love them no matter what they do
Whether or not they love you
If they leave – let them go in peace
Like the prodigal son, give them their release
Wrong or right – they are precious in God’s sight


“Too much Religion will vaccinate you against the Truth”

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...