Monday, July 26, 2010

When we react from our flesh, we often make a mess
When we’re immature and not fully grown
It’s normal to need to be shown
How to maintain a relationship in the Spirit
And not walk after the flesh
Like the wind shields wiped clean by the wind shield wiper
Oh my fellow Saints, sometimes we have to change your diaper!
I’m offended because ___fill in the blank______
Respond with love (or you’ll stank)
Spiritually. How would love deal with you or me?
He’s patient. He’s kind. He often doesn’t mind.
He doesn’t remember wrongs but always strives to get along.
He hopes and believes all things will work out
and He doesn’t go off and pout
He forgives easily and quickly
And He’s soft and warm not cold and prickly
He’s not easily offended
But when He sees a tear in a relationship
He tries to get it mended
Our own sin is what we should contend with
Then our brother’s and sister’s won’t cause a rift
Then your unconditional love and forgiveness
Gives your fallen brother a lift
Ah what a gift!

Mat:5:46&47, 6:12,14&15

Without people to offend and hurt us, we can’t practice the unconditional love of God! So when satan attacks us, he unwittingly provides the means for his own demise. As Christians, we are like trees. When satan comes to shake our tree through trials and tribulations, the fruit of the Spirit falls off, love, joy, peace…. Really, we are all called to emulate Jesus, WE are to be bruised for one another’s iniquities, WE are to bear one another’s burdens (sins), we are to be wounded and yet show love in return. We should say to one another, I will never leave or forsake you. Nothing in Heaven or on earth can separate you from God’s love for you IN ME!

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...