Tuesday, July 27, 2010

So many know the Word of the Lord
Yet do not know the Lord of the Word
So many think because they have
The Scriptures they’re going to Heaven
But the Scriptures are meant
To testify of Him the Father sent
So many in Hell will rot
Because He came to His own
And His own received Him not
So many seek honour from and give honour to men
That should be seeking for the honour only God can send
Greatly avoid this trap of religious pride
Of knowing the written word
But not the Word Himself inside
For many are they who stand in a pulpit and speak
And yet do not know Me
Says The Lord.


Are you a queen Vashti or a queen Esther? When your husband and king bids you to come, when He wants intimacy, do you refuse or will you come to Me? The result of queen Vashti’s refusal to obey her husband was banishment from his presence forever. When our God desires intimacy with you, when He desires fruit, do not be as the barren fig tree but be instant in season and out, be ready at all times to please Him. Do not miss the day of your visitation.

“Everything you’ve never seen or experienced lies just beyond where you always stop”

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...