While I was caught up in The Spirit, I looked and beheld a Mighty rushing river. I heard the Father say “this river represents My Spirit in the midst of My people”. As I looked and beheld this mighty, breath-taking River He said “do you know what man does when I flow freely in the midst of My people?” I said, no Lord, I don’t know and I looked and I beheld a great Dam, a massive Dam and He said “man dams up the flow of My Spirit. This Dam represents the “Religions of men”. He showed me that when man is in control, he dams up the flow of God’s Spirit, he redirects and redistributes the flow according to man’s purposes, man’s wisdom, man’s timing. He measures it out to the people in small amounts to keep the people weak and dependant on man. The Religious spirit is a very controlling spirit. God’s presence is only allowed as long as he (the religious spirit) is in control.
As I looked, I saw a tiny leak appear. The voice cried - That’s Toronto
Then I saw another leak – That’s Pensacola! Then another (Japan) and another (China) and another (Australia) till tiny leaks were rapidly springing up all over the Dam.
Then I saw a small crack appear. Then another and another. They began to grow larger and larger, more and more until eventually the whole Dam collapsed and immediately He said “AND GREAT WAS THE FALL THEREOF”. I knew these exact words were significant. I later found them in Mat:7:27, referring to the fall of the house built on sand, also representing Babylon.
I heard the Spirit say that for those who are longing for this Day, who are crying out for it, it will be a time of great rejoicing but for those who are trying to hold the Dam together even as it collapses around them it will be a dark and terrible Day, the Day of Judgment of our God. The Holy Spirit then warned me not to gloat over dead, dry, religious churches and denominations He is judging (judgment begins in the house of the Lord) but rather pray for them, cry out for them because even as their ministries collapse around them, like the jailor in the book of acts, many will turn and be saved, and their whole house (church).
For more on this revelation, see my book “Freedom from Babylon”. Remember, the Dam is hard. Religion hardens the human heart, God’s presence softens it. Let us all look forward to, and rejoice and pray for, the Glorious Day when God’s Spirit is freed once again to flow in the midst of His people, mightily.
More recently, a plane ran into a flock of birds and crash landed in the Hudson river. Not one person perished. God showed me this was a prophetic sign. The plane represented flight through the ability and wisdom of man. The birds represented true, God created flight. When they collided, the plane came down BUT LANDED IN THE RIVER. He is saying, only those who end up in the River of my Presence in these last hours, will survive the fall (or crash) of Babylon, of the man-made, satan sponsored system that God is judging. Amen.
O Holy rushing River!
O True, Eternal Life-giver!
No force on earth, no plan of man
Can keep You held within this Dam!
You will break free, flow mightily, in the midst of the earth
The parched land will soak You up
The souls of men so dry and shrivelled will come to life again -
like a Desert’s bloom, when the life-giving presence of the Holy Spirit moves.
Mighty Dam, constructed by man to hold back the Holy Spirit’s flow –
to contain Him, to redirect, to measure Him where
the will of man would have Him to go –
You are the Dam of the Religion of man
And you will shatter from the force of God’s master plan
For those who are in the mainstream of the Holy Spirit’s flow
Working with Him, not against Him, our hearts to Him will bow
It will be a day of great Rejoicing, like no other seen before
Victory and Freedom will be ours forevermore
But for those resisting Him – trying to hold the Dam together
Through their own strength and will
It will be a dark day and hard –
The Day our God’s Judgments are fulfilled
Pray for them that they would repent and survive and be saved
Not forever “Damned”, rebellious to God, depraved.
A note about rivers – they can only flow where earth has been hollowed out and removed. For the Holy Spirit to flow through us, a channel must be carved out, our flesh must be removed, our fleshly lusts and desires must be dealt with.
This blog is my effort to share God's mind and most importantly, heart, as He shares them with me. I make a genuine effort to commune with Him daily and hear from Him. .Some poems are from Him to me, others from me to Him but all revelation shared is, I pray, from the Holy Spirit and not my carnal, soulish opinion. Please comment as you see fit. He is calling us all into His Holy of Holies.....let us all respond to his divine invitation for intimacy with a heart felt YES! SOS 2:11
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
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