Friday, August 27, 2010

Constantly, consistently in Communion
Everlasting, never-ending union of God and men
Oh my God Your heart’s always been towards me
Oh my God Your Holy Spirit implores me
Explores me Adores me Restores me (is for me)
Calls me back Calls me back Home
Calls me back back to Your Throne
Calling me, calling me, Reinstalling me
Cleansing me, Mending me, Amending me
Befriending me and sending me
In and out, in and out
You take me in to send me out
You sacrifice me
You give me today in the very same way
You gave Your first begotten Son
Firstborn among many ones
Now also given away – still today
You’re still in love with this fallen world
You’re casting Your pearls
Not before swine but for those who
Time after time Yearn for You
Burn for You Learn of You
Return to You.

2 Cor:13:14

I don’t know how to untangle this moment
Ah, from the messes we create
It’s so often hard to extricate
our souls, excuse me, selves
ah, hey, all is well
except for the stench, the smell
of the fires of Hell
My tongue, small though it may be
Has done more to shape my Destiny
What will be my legacy?
What was the focus of my life?
Was I exalted or did I exalt Christ?
Broken and humbled was God able to use me?
Was I ever able to let go and lose me?
Oh God, please don’t let my life be wasted on me


“The more God’s going to do with you, the more He has to deal with you”

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...