Saturday, August 28, 2010

Please Don't Return

Please don’t return
Till many more learn
Who You are to them
To turn from self and repent
Get right and with You get along
And not stay wrong
But return to the place
They’ve always belonged

Too many don’t know You
Hell is where they’ll go to
So, though my heart swoons
Please don’t return anytime soon
As much as I’d love to see Your face
I want many more to join me in that place
Of fellowship forever with You
Forever refreshed, forever clean, forever true

Hold back, Lord, pause, no not yet
For there’s far too many
That You haven’t met


This was a shock to some when I wrote it but I really do want the Lord to delay His return as long as possible so the maximum amount of people will be saved.

My Lord gave me His body

My Lord gave me His blood

And then my Lord gave to me

His very own Spirit from above

There is nothing He
Has held back from me
His love

Oh Hallelujah!
Praise be to Yeshua!

Of all the love this world’s been shown
The best by far I’ve ever known
Is Your love oh God,
Your love so sweet
This song my heart will ever repeat –
I love You Lord, I love You here
I love You Lord, You are so dear
My heart and eyes they realize
Beholding You alone satisfies
Oh God, my King, my Lover, My Lord
May You be pleased with these meagre words

Father, Son, Spirit, Bride
Together, forever in love abide
The Trinity was always meant to be
A foursome for Eternity! 1 Joh:3:1

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...