Sunday, August 8, 2010

“Each one of us must be allowed, freed, taught, endowed to serve each other intimately”

Unless I wash your feet
Unless you allow me
to serve you, intimately
to touch you where you’re dirty
You have no part with Me

And likewise do to one another too, to be a part of each other you
Must intimately serve your brother, your sister who
Bears My Blood, bears My Name
And you will never be the same
And so fulfil the law of Christ
And so receive Eternal Life

For My Body to edify itself in Love
Each heart must be found worthy of
The opportunity to share the fruit of the seed
Of My Word planted in each so deeply

Each one of My people, My Bride
Should no longer be made to sit and hide
The glorious Treasure that is “I Am” inside

For each one of My Saints, My love
Has been called by My Father above
To lose their lives to gain My life inside
To grow and mature just as I did
To reveal My Father’s love – no longer hid
Gloriously shown where He is unknown

For each of You are called to remove the stone
Keeping My people trapped in their tombs
Each of you will rise, Holy and True
New Creations with My life inside of you

No longer the same empty show
But hearts ablaze with My Father’s glow
Hearts laid bare, exposing every care
Drink deep from the cup from which I have drank
Suffering for others without even a thanks
In loving others who don’t love in return
It is this lesson you will finally learn –
The value of the love you share with each other.

If precious is the Blood that is your cover,
Given in love for you,
how precious then is the love you return to Me?
More precious to Me than anything
It’s why I died and why I live
It’s why I sighed My last breath and why I give
It’s why I rejoice and dance and sing
Your love for Me has kept Me from destroying (burning)
The Field (this world) so full of weeds, chaff and deadness
For I might harm you, dear one, in the process
But the Day is soon coming, dear one, it’s so near
When I’ll harvest your soul, then the earth I’ll clear
Of all that is rotten and filthy and diseased
But where I am, dear one, you will also be
Together, dear one, for Eternity.

John 13

“Intimate servitude is what I’ve called you to”

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