Monday, August 9, 2010

You speak what I speak
You say what I say
Be quiet when I am quiet
Flow with Me, intimately, today
Move when I move
Stop when I stop
I’m in this Life-Dance with you
As I lead and you follow
Our romance will bloom
And not remain shallow
We are partners, you and I
You’re the apple of My eye
You’re My lover, you’re My dove
I desire to fill you with My love

Oh my God, my love, my Groom
You have prepared for me a room
A place for us to be, forever intimately, lovers
Oh God, my King, my Husband, my Maker
Forever I will be a partaker
Of You, Your heart, Your touch, Your self
Oh Father You’ve rescued me from Hell
And brought me near where all is well


Why do we each have a Mansion in Heaven? It’s so that each of us can, forever, have a place where we can meet with Him, privately.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...