Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Lord, please take me
Do whatever it takes to break me
But never, ever forsake me

Long ago I made a pledge to You
I gave You my heart and all I aspire to
I now sense the time is drawing near
When You’re taking me up on my offer
Consuming me now, here

I once again pledge
To walk with You over the edge
I won’t look back I’m lost in You
Kill me, slay me do whatever You want to

My time is come
To be sacrificed
To gain Yours Lord, I gladly give my life
Use every bit of me
Spirit, Soul and Body
As is becoming of Your wife


Most of us would never think to disrespect another man’s wife, yet how often do we lowly esteem, mistreat, do not respect each other – the very Bride of Christ? Or allow leadership to mistreat us, not honour us or esteem us?


Oh Jesus, I’ve been chosen by Your Father
Just for You, just for You
Oh Jesus, no one else’s love will do will do
but Yours alone, for I am Yours alone
I’m preparing my heart inside
I’m readying myself, it’s true
To become Your royal Bride
Dwelling forever beside You
Oh I’m being adorned both inside and out
To be Your loyal lover – of this there’s no doubt
As pure and clean as You are to me
So shall I forever Yours be
Together, never apart again, ever
My pleasure, my treasure, my Jesus forever

The excitement’s building
Oh I ache with anticipation so sweet
Oh I long for, my heart pants for
That moment in the sky when we will meet
Eye to eye and face to face
We’ll enter into that Holy place
Where we’ll consummate forever
Our love without measure
I in You and You in me
We’ll enjoy everlasting ecstasy…


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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...