Saturday, September 25, 2010

Chocolaty Googly Goo

When I’m feelin’ kinda sad
I go and sit and talk to dad
My dad always knows just what to do
Cause he’s the inventor of
Chocolaty Googly Goo!
What, may you ask is Chocolaty Googly Goo?
Sit right down and I’ll share some with you –
Start with melted milk chocolate, filled with m&m’s
Poured into a pastry shell, baked in the oven
Topped with the finest honey, you see
Then put on some confectionary sugar and a cherry!
They’re so good just thinkin’ of em’ makes your mouth drool
And you can never, ever take one to school!
Because you’d start a riot and that wouldn’t be cool!
Your principal and your teacher would scream –
And you’d say –
“Why nothing that concerns you,
I just brought one of my daddy’s

They’re so good that the sheik of Kathmandu
Would travel the whole world just to buy one from you!
And if you said to him just after he arrived,
“why no Mr. Sheik, they cost five hundred and five”
He’d say “oh me”, he’d say “oh my”
“Really, how many can I buy?”
“I’d pay any price – that’s the truth,
for just one of your daddy’s CHOCOLATY GOOGLY GOOS!”

The President himself would call you and say “pretty please,
Could you happen to spare just one for me?”
And a big time Hollywood producer would call quickly
and offer to buy the rights to the movie!
And people around the world will shout with glee –

“Can we have one please,
just one per family?”
“Tell us please, tell us what we must do,
so we may have a Chocolaty Googly Goo!”

But all of this hoopla
and all of this hub bub
Won’t affect you one little bit
Because you just ate the very last
Chocolaty Googly Goo
And that’s the end of it!


I wrote this for my daughters. One day, I came up with the phrase “Chocolaty Googly Goo”. I just liked the sound of it. Kari was curious. Daddy, what’s that?
So I made up the recipe on the spot. We have actually made them and they really are good, just don’t do it too often!

“If they enjoy being small then they’ll enjoy being tall”

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