Friday, September 24, 2010

God Changes Things

You are not now where you wished you were
You’re hurting – your pain seems too much to bear
But as you’re suffering – to this Truth cling
Always remember, God changes things!
Though you’ve been hurt and abused by man
Though some they hurt you whenever they can
Though all forsake you of this you will sing-
As you witness your God changing things
He won’t leave you in the condition you’re in
He won’t leave you abused by their sin
Dear one know that the pendulum will swing
The day will come, precious one
When God changes things, rearranges things!

Believe and you will retrieve what God in you conceives
Open your heart to He who made your heart
to belong to Him from the very start
And you’ll see precious one you’ll be
Victor and conqueror over all your enemies
Welcome to Paradise you good and faithful Servant
I receive all that You bring,
Beloved, see,
I’ve changed everything!


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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...