Tuesday, September 7, 2010

the good things in life

Henry’s world was simple and fresh
Each day was taken breath by breath
There wasn’t any “pressure from bills to pay”
Henry lived at his own pace from day to day
His family’s bodies and souls were healthy and full
Of love and life and they lacked for no good thing
They accepted each day for what it was –
A gift that only God could bring.
Then one day, think it was early May,
Esther (Henry’s wife) heard a knock at the door
It was a salesman with quite a lot to say –
“How can you survive, oh how can you be
without the benefit of electricity?”
Soon after came telephones, TV’s and appliances
And many other “things” with which they formed alliances
And soon the bills rolled in,
As Babylon tightened it’s grip on them.
They owed so much that farming could no longer support them
And take them where society said they should go
The realization of it hit Henry like a blow
So Henry quit the farm that had been his family’s livelihood for
Four generations
Got a job at a factory that accelerated his degeneration
Till the day came when the pressure got to be too much
And he just couldn’t handle the strife
So he killed himself so his insurance policy could provide
Esther with “the good things in life”
Their souls forgot or refused to admit –
“The good things in life” are love, family and relationships.

Inspired by “Henry and the Great Society” by H.L. Roush Sr.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...