Thursday, September 2, 2010

I want a rendezvous with all that’s True
I want a rendezvous Lord, with You

Many are they which forsake me
Cast me away, do not love me
I have been abandoned of men
So called brothers and sisters in Christ
Haven’t been so nice
They speak behind my back
With tongues set to attack
Yet what they ultimately lack
I give to them – the love of a friend
Though they crucify me, yet shall I live
So many desire my demise
Listening to Satan’s lies,
Hating me in their hearts
Some I believed were true, now I know better
God, my heart is open before You and breaking
Yet You’ve suffered far worse
Truly You’ve born the curse
So when they hate and reject me –
Oh Lord they’re doing it to You!
Your Love has conquered their hate
I pray they awaken and turn from their wicked ways
Humbling themselves today
Before it’s too late


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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...