Saturday, September 18, 2010

Secret Admirerer

You don’t know this but please be sure it’s true
You have a secret admirer deeply in love with you
For too long I’ve watched you from afar
Waiting and wanting to hold you in my arms

I wrote you a love letter, sixty-six as a matter of fact
The problem is you keep sending them back
But still I love you, still I am your desirer
But I can no longer remain your secret admirer
I’ve got to come out with it, speak plainly and openly now,
I’ve loved you your whole life –
My name is Jesus, your Christ
And the thought of you and I together, forever
Makes my heart beat faster and faster

You take my breath away
With you I want to stay
So don’t forget my love
To please accept My love
Don’t reject my love
You won’t regret My love
Oh, My Love…

S.O.S. 7:10

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...