Sunday, September 19, 2010

You’re not nuts but you are a nutcracker
Called to turn the other cheek to your attackers
You’re sent to crack wide open
The hearts so hardened by religious pride
Hardened to the touch of The Holy Spirit inside
Unable to soften or to God to bend
Unable to love or for Mercy to lend
Speaking so clearly the name of our God
But constantly striving with Him they’re at odds

You can have the Word in your mouth
But not in your heart
You can say the Word was made flesh
But deny the Spirit of Holiness
You will confirm your fruit
your heart’s true pursuit
And all in the end will know
What was your life’s goal
Because all in the end will know
Where it was you had to go.

Mat:7:16-20 12:33

“God’s highest priority is not our happiness but our Holiness”

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...