Tuesday, October 5, 2010

To my daughters –
An open letter,
That someday your husbands might read,
A reminder to you all, to hear The Spirit’s call
To listen to Wisdom and choose to take heed
May the man you choose (or allow to choose you),
Be modest and humble in all he will do
May he lay down his life in service of others
And treat you as Christ would have him to.
But above all else may the spouse that you choose
Love Jesus more than he loves you!
May he have a zeal for God
and not the religions of men
May he choose his Lord over passing trends
And not let Pride get in the way
of deeply loving his God and his family
Self must be sacrificed
On the altar of family life
And fear of God must motivate him
To be faithful to you, his wife
He must be gentle in words and in touch
Be teachable, have faith and courage
If, my daughters, he does all of this –
I will consent to give your hand in marriage to his.

Love Dad


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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...