Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Cafeteria Christianity

You pick and choose
what’s good to you
Some Scriptures you are for
While others you ignore

You lean to your own understanding
Not what The Lord’s commanding

You reason away
Providing excuses today
For why you won’t obey
Some of what The Lord has to say

Stop resisting and start submitting
To all He tells you to do
And let Him teach you
And let Him take you
Far beyond what you ever knew

Our God is an all or nothing God
So stop cheating and start eating!

2 Tim:3:16

When God commanded the Pass Over Lamb to be sacrificed, He told us to eat all of it and what was left was to be burned. So we see all of it was consumed, either by the people or by the flames. Even so, Jesus, our Pass Over Lamb must be completely consumed by us, no part of Him, no part of the Word, is to be left uneaten. All His teaching, all His flesh, no matter how distasteful to our own flesh, is healthy!

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...