Wednesday, November 3, 2010


felt more than heard
often the ache of a heart is reflected in the eyes
Turning yet another corner
These cold city streets
Nothing but hardness. Cement
Nowhere to repent
Wisdom lost her way in these streets
got lost
been looking
Church. not here
Rancid, roach infested room not here
pretended to find it at Joe’s corner pub
ah, but the cost
leave your soul at the door
for everyone to walk on
wipe their feet on
can the body but follow?
lost, these city streets
full of lost souls
comforted by other lost souls
hey, we’re all in this together
can’t be that bad
crowd mentality, so being lost is normal
Hell might not be so bad with so much company
Let the crowd take me where it will
We’re all sheep without a shepherd
And the wolves are full
fat no shortage of sheep here
keeps us here
heart lamentations no examinations no real intimacy
God, can you hear me?

Lam:3:2-19 Isa:40:6-8

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...