Wednesday, November 24, 2010

It's the least I could do

Hi everyone,
I'm going to take a break from the prophetic word we've been reviewing because I have it on a memory stick and it seems to have broken! Anyway, Thanksgiving is coming up soon and I just wrote this poem to remind us all to be as generous as possible to those less fortunate -

The widowed bride sat forlornly on the sidewalk
reduced to begging, her shame was outweighed only by her hunger
she had never in her lifetime thought she'd be caught
begging to strangers who most often shunned her
Older now and weaker, she could no longer work
the only hope she had left was the kindness of others
the pain that wracked her half-crippled body lurked
just beneath the thin blanket she used for cover
So it was that her hopes swelled within her as the rich man near her paused
only to have them cruelly dashed as the hunger gnawed and gnawed
for the rich man dropped only two coins in her basket
as he smiled at her, not seeing it was tragic
she looked at him and said "Sir, thank you"
and he replied "why don't mention it, it's the least I could do"

The orphaned boy cried himself to sleep most every night
losing both his parents left him aching for their love again
The orphanage he lived in tried their best to do things right
But his broken heart was a difficult thing to mend
He watched as the other children went to homes one by one
while he sat staring out the window - no one's son
Till the rich man arrived in his nice shiny car
and hope rose within the child with the soul scars
When the rich man paused before him, the boy looked up expectantly
and as the rich man handed him a baloon he cried "Is it for me?"
"Why yes" the rich man smiled "it is for you"
and as he turned to leave he said "It's the least I could do"

The rich man stood before Jesus for the first and last time in his life
He looked at the goats on his left and the sheep on his right
and as he was led to the goats by the Angel of the Lord's might,
He screamed "have mercy on this poor man!
Give me what I know I don't deserve!
Give me a place in the other herd!"
But the Lord just sadly shook his head,
pointing to Hell as he said -
"There is a place prepared for all who are like you,
and it shall be your eternal home
After all, it's the least I could do
for all shall reap what they have sown"

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...