Thursday, November 25, 2010

Prophetic Word continued:

“And the Lord’s even saying right now how many of My people I would turn their hearts towards Israel and they would not, they would not, they will not. Oh, oh God. I just see the Lord grieving because He wants to raise up a people who will love His people Israel even as He loves her. He wants His church to reflect His heart for Israel. He wants His people to reflect His heart, His great heart, oh hallelujah. He wants them to love Israel. He wants them to be an instrument of salvation in His hands for the Jews just as He used the Jews as an instrument of salvation in His hands for the gentiles.”

“Thank you Father, thank you Father. But what a tragedy it is for a man to stand in a pulpit and present nothing, present nothing of Me, of My Spirit and to pretend that He’s heard from Me, to pretend that he’s received from Me and to, oh and they’re going to other men for inspiration, they’re so desperate for inspiration they’re going to other men. They’re doing everything but consecrating themselves before Me and waiting on Me for revelation, instead they’re looking to man and they’re presenting people with an empty, in fact it’s junk food. They’re presenting junk food to people. It’s food that doesn’t accomplish good nourishment and they’re standing in the pulpit feeding junk food out and people love it because it tastes so good but it doesn’t do anything for them, they have no faith because of it. It’s not raising up faithful warriors, oh, full of faith, full of the fire of the Lord, full of the Spirit of God, instead and sitting in the pews I have raised up hearts on fire for Me. And the Holy Spirit is using Apostles and Prophets. I see Him walking through the land and these hearts on fire are being rescued, they’re being taken out of a place where the fire’s being quenched. In fact My church often quenches My fire and My presence in the hearts of My people and quenches it and causes those hearts to dim and fade, causes those hearts to, to, to fail. Oh. And no longer beat for Me. Oh. And they die when that happens, they die. When a heart ceases to beat for Me, says the Lord, they’re dead. They’re just an empty shell walking around, that’s why they’re fit only to be burned. That’s why I can only cast them into the fire in the end because they’re an empty shell just fit only to be burned, there’s nothing there for Me to redeem anymore.”

“And in churches across the land there’s hearts on fire and all My Apostles and Prophets will gather these hearts together, oh they will redeem them. I sent My Apostles for the poor. I sent My Apostles for the poor, the poor and the needy not the rich and the greedy. Oh I sent them for the poor in spirit, those who hunger and thirst for Me, for Righteousness, for I am your righteousness, I am the Lord your Righteousness, I am the Lord your Righteousness, oh they seek My kingdom and My righteousness. Oh too many are seeking My kingdom without My righteousness and those that are hungering and thirsting for righteousness, those are the ones I’m sending My Apostles and Prophets to. Oh for they seek Me. They seek Me. They want Righteousness and I, oh I give it, I give righteousness. I make them right. I make them right so that they can stand before My Father forever. And knowing that they can stand before My Father forever brings Peace, oh they have Peace with Me. They have Peace with My Father. Jesus is saying right now that I’ve been sent as a Peace-Maker between My people and My Father and I am establishing peace and I have, I’m offering a Peace-treaty and I’m extending peace to all of My people, for those who will have ears to hear and will receive I will make Peace between them and My Father. And once they’ve made peace with My Father they receive Joy, oh everlasting Joy. Oh joy can only come after Peace has been established and they’ve been made right. Oh the Joy of being right and peace, oh having peace, that will strengthen us through any trial, that will strengthen us through any trial, knowing that we are right before our Father and knowing we have peace with Him. Oh Father, oh Father. And I heard the Spirit saying, the Spirit said Will you be made whole? Oh He’s crying out to His people will you be made whole? Many of them have been lying in their sick beds of their denominations for 38 years and He’s still saying to them, He’s giving them an opportunity after all this time, will you be made whole? Oh My people, will you be made whole? Oh will you be made whole? Oh I will make you whole! I will bind you up, I will bind your wounds, I will dress your wounds, for I am the good Samaritan, I will dress your wounds, I will cleanse your wounds, I will carry you Myself to My Father’s house of healing and I have paid the price for you to remain in My Father’s house of healing until you are whole and I will do this for everyone who cries out for it, everyone who will receive it, oh I just long for you to ask for it, that’s all, just ask for it, just ask for it. Just ask to be whole, just desire to be whole, there’s so many desiring but not to be made whole, oh they desire but not for what I can do in their heart, they desire for what I can do for them in this world, they’re not thinking of the next world, they’re groaning in this world but they’re wanting what I can do for them in this world only. They’re wanting for what I can do for them now and they’re not thinking of the next one, I want to prepare them for the next, I want to prepare them for the New Jerusalem, oh I want them ready, I want them prepared with grace oh I want to present them to My Father, I want to present My bride to My Father, for even I go to My Father for His permission for the hand of My bride, even I go to My Father and present her to Him and I bow before Him and I say “Father, may I have her hand in marriage”, oh. She must receive His approval, oh thank You Father for My Bride, thank You for My Bride, thank You. She’s beautiful. Oh, oh she has dove’s eyes!”

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