Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Jesus he ate with the poor and the blind and the lame
and if he was here today would he do the same?

Well he is here today - he walks the earth in you and me
and he still has much to say through anyone who believes

But before he speaks to their shame
his hands still desire to touch their pain
and before he calls them in
he wants to touch them in the midst of their sin

So will you allow him to go?
Will you allow him to show
this naked and lost world so full of shame,
will you go forth in his name?

Or will you sit in your church pew
never to know what he would have done
through you?

Yes Jesus spent most of his time
in the homes and the hearts of those guilty of crimes
Yes Jesus got dirty and he suffered so much
just so his hands could reach out and touch...

What else could we expect of Love?

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...